You have almost completed this semester, so, how do you view Critical Literacy now? If you have any comments and suggestion, please do so as it helps for the betterment of the course as a whole.
Assalamualaikum and hello dearest reader.
We are now in week 12, meaning that, 3 weeks left before final. What do I feel at this moment? Stress and also stress! Especially in this subject, Critical Literacy COM 2533. Bear in mind dear self, the journey is almost done. Be patient! Head up and smile.
As I said in my first post, which is my expectation on Critical Literacy, at the end of the semester it turned out to be true which is this subject really a killer subject and need an extra care from us. By mean extra care here is, I have to do lots of reading and be expert in rules of 10 since all the 3 assignments have a connection with those rules. With the help from my lecturer, Miss Anis Arianti, somehow I manage to apply all the rules and submit the assignment on the due date. Even though not as excellent as others but, at least, there is something that I can be proud of.
Throughout this semester while learning this subject, I’ve learnt a new experience which is, never procrastinate your work or else, you will be dead especially on this subject. There is nothing that I can comment regarding this subject, or even give a suggestion because this subject is already well prepared by the lecturers. Now, it depends on the students itself whether they want to end their semester with flying colours or not. My advice to my junior is, always consult with your lecturer if there is problems or there is a certain topic that you might not be clear. Who else going to help you instead yourself?
With that, an appreciation token for those who help me throughout this subject. Especially to my lecturer and classmate and friends. You know who you are. I hope, everyone will pass this subject! Do pray for my final!
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